
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

An open letter to environmentalists 

John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, has written an open letter to environmentalists. Teaser:

You have vigorously embraced the Global Warming predictions of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and are using the warning of uncontrollable warming and a resulting environmental calamity to campaign for elimination of fossil fuels. Your environmentally conscious friends in politics and in the media have united with you to create a barrage of news reports, documentaries, TV feature reports, movies, books, concerts and protest events to build support for your goals. The war against fossil fuels has become a massive scare campaign that is giving children nightmares.

Here’s what’s wrong with that: the science is not valid. There is no Global Warming underway and the science on which the computer projections of weather chaos are based is wrong. Dead wrong.

In other (related?) news, the April RSS global temperature data are in the house. They reveal a de minimis anomaly off the base line and reinforce the data of the last six years which show no warming since 1998.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue May 06, 03:45:00 PM:

As Gomer Pyle might say: "Surprise! surprise! surprise!"

Aerosols from industrial activity, and dust from agricultural areas under cultivation, ash from volcanoes, SO2, etc. Plus the effect of increased nucleation of water and ice in the upper atmosphere from increased cosmic ray penetration, a consequence of a minimized solar wind (sunspot minimis). Water vapor is much more prevalent and a stronger "greenhouse gas" than CO2 (let's control that water vapor!).

That's just the beginning. It's just too complicated too model at this time. Too many factors, too much speculation. Some things may be going on, and a lot of smart scientists have made good research in trying to understand this, but there are too many factors.
Anecdotal observations and "local" warming over a decade in Europe do not a global trend make.

We. Just. Don't. Know.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed May 07, 12:59:00 AM:

Can you imagine if he still ran the weather channel. Just imagine about how the global warmongers would react if The Weather Channel ran a short piece debunking global warming every hour.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed May 07, 08:22:00 AM:

If he still ran the Weather Channel it might be possible to switch it on and get an actual weather report. Nowadays the odds of finding something on besides frickin' Storm Stories is about on a level with the odds of turning on CBS and seeing something besides CSI.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed May 07, 10:13:00 AM:

Thanks enviromentalists crooks thats for all what your doing to us thats for your stupid lawsuits over this endangered speices poppycock bull kaka thats for pushing this global warming lie thats for your brainwashing kids over this global warming crap thats for ripping off thousands of unsuspection persons over this phonie SAVE THE RAINFORESTS rip off bull poo NOW GREENS JUST DISAPEAR INTO THE GALLAXY OF QUAD  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed May 07, 10:36:00 AM:

One reason for investing in renewable energy down,

Energy Independence,
Pollution Minimization,
Scentific Innovation

to go.  

By Blogger JPMcT, at Thu May 08, 01:19:00 AM:

I wonder at what point we will be forced to EAT the Caribou in Anwar Province because we will not have any other food sources like rice, corn or money to buy food. Can you imagine how much technology we could have produced in the past 20 years to make nuclear energy safer and practical?

Instead, we publish pictures of Anwar that make it look like a Vista, when it really looks like the moon. We listen to Al Gore state that the Burmese Cyclone was due to Global Warming. We are fed pictures of Polar Bears allegedly starving, when the facts are directly opposite. Try to make the point and you are called a "skeptic" (that's the 2008 word for "heretic"). Can anybody see a political motive here?

It's chilling! (pun intended)  

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