Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Heartland pop lyric quiz
This quiz is open only to those of you who live outside the United States or in an American state with oceanfront property, plus Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia.
Explain the origin and meaning of this lyric:"Just snaking on by on L.S.D., Friday night trouble bound."
, atAs a native of Chicago but a cuurent resident of Massachusetts, I meet eligibility under a loophole-- which I refuse to exploit by piping up with the answer.
By TigerHawk, at Tue Apr 22, 08:07:00 PM:
Thank you, Paul Z. Sportsmanship is not dead.
By JorgXMcKie, at Tue Apr 22, 11:29:00 PM:
Yo, I'm from the St Louis area and even I knew about L.S.D. although I never saw it until I was 18 (and that was in the early 60s). I won't blow the gaff either.
, atisn't LSD also Lake Shore Drive in Chicago?
, atLucy in the Sky with Diamonds? old Beatles song, from Sgt Pepper...
, atHere are some versions of the song, with appropriate views of Chicago. My downstate grandfather loathed Chicago politicians, and like him, I avoided Chicago.This was the first time I had been exposed to the song, since I have always lived in states with oceanfront property.
, atOne of the interesting things about Chicago is that there are no private beaches -- the entire shoreline is a public park. However, if you look at where East 72nd place meets the water, you'll find two houses with the next best thing -- a little beach that can only be reached through their backyards. There's a golf course to the north, and a rocky breakwater to the south. Went to a party there years ago. Only two beachfront houses in Chicago. Very cool.