Thursday, October 11, 2007
Annals of child-rearing
Yet another reason why every family should own a roll of duct tape.
, atDuct Tape is a good way to control all that politcal HOT AIR comming from the mouths of AL GORE,GREENPEACE,SIERRA CLUB, and the rest of the eco-wackos
, at , at
Several years ago, my young son was playing with his older sister. Soon, he came into my room with duct tape across his mouth.
I asked him what that was about and he removed the duct tape and said, "We're playing "mmmmm"". He put the duct tape back across his mouth and went back to his sister.
Now, whenever he gets abit noisy, we ask him if he wants to play "mmmmm" and he laughs and pipes down.
By antithaca, at Fri Oct 12, 01:38:00 PM:
, atThe best sight of MARTIN SHEENwaswhenhehad thatducttapeoverhismouthbuthe realy shouldhave put CHUMP or TRAITOR on it instead of PEACE