Thursday, June 21, 2007
The importance of categories
Categories can be very important. People think about things in categories. For example, you can do a great many things in this world on your own time that you cannot do if you are "at work". The question for many people in the information economy is, when are you "at work"? Is a fertilized human egg "human life," or non-human molecular biology with the potential to become human life? A final example: Nobody would get upset at the periodic over-the-top eruptions of Ann Coulter or Michael Moore if they were clearly comedians. After all, comedians say much worse things all the time. It is only because Coulter and Moore appear not to be comedians, however funny they may be to their respective constituencies, that renders them so widely offensive to their political adversaries.
So it is with this product. Is it a prophylactic, or a sex toy?
You decide.
, atMicheal(muttonhead)Moore the worse derector in hollywood since ED WOOD Jr or DINO DE LARINTUS i mean this he is a jerk why dont he go live with his number 1 fan FIDEL CASTRO
By GreenmanTim, at Thu Jun 21, 11:07:00 AM:
Whatever category it may belong to (and are either really SFW?), the consequences of a short circuit don't bear thinking about...
, at
All a short would do is probably give you a little extra tingly sensation. It's just a 5V battery, after all. Besides, some people are into that kind of thing:
By Purple Avenger, at Thu Jun 21, 10:04:00 PM:
The question for many people in the information economy is, when are you "at work"?
I once wrote a few hundred lines of very critical assembler code (where everything HAD to be absolutely perfect and flawless) for Borland while sitting at the bar in a strip club.
I scribbled it down on some sheets of paper and wonder of wonders it worked perfectly when I got home and typed it all in.
I'm convinced the presence of naked women makes for flawless bug free code.
By Christopher Chambers, at Thu Jun 21, 11:00:00 PM:
First off--is Bird of Paradise retarded, or take medication for rage issues? LOL
Second, it's good to see the repository of many out-sourced American jobs acting more like an American "red state" by banning sex toys. Babies may fight cobras, however, and of course there's always female infanticide and honor burnings over doweries. Day-um...that does sound a lot like Mississippi...
By Purple Avenger, at Fri Jun 22, 06:59:00 AM:
You might try writing an actual sentence once in a while Chris.