Sunday, April 22, 2007
Wolfowitz and his supposed conflict of interest
I have not closely followed the details of the controversy surrounding Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank, other than to notice that among my friends who routinely oppose the Bush administration this is yet another moment for rejoicing. Suffice it to say, Christopher Hitchens has a rather different take.
By Georg Felis, at Tue Apr 24, 11:51:00 AM:
To your friends who are so happy at Wolfowitz’s downfall, ask them one simple innocent question. “Do you think he should have followed the Ethics Committee’s recommendations?” When they answer in the affirmative (as they will of course, because nobody would want to oppose anything with the word ‘Ethics’ in the title), inform them politely that he did follow everything the Ethics Committee recommended, to the letter, and now that is the behavior on which he is being roasted. Then ask them what he should have done instead of taking the advice of the Ethics Committee.
No, on second thought, perhaps you should not take that approach. Liberals get so cranky when you upset their little world and point out the square hole that the square peg fits into. Just allow them their little delusions and keep them as friends. But don’t let them on the Ethics Committee.