Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I new O'Quiz is up, and I scored my now standard 6 out of 10. This was disappointing for me, since I was certain I had a solid "8" when I punched the "submit" button. Little did I know that "submit" actually means "submit to the O'Quiz."
The average score last night was only 4.6. You guys will certainly move it up. As usual, post your scores, whether submissive or dominating, in the comments.
, at , at7, too. Maybe I should pry my hands away from the keyboard for a minute and open the blinds...just in case something's changed outside since I last looked...naw...
, at9/10.....and ,yes, I do have a life....I think that I'll get some time there, next week...maybe....
, at10 out of 10, slightly better than my usual...
By Sluggo, at Tue Mar 13, 11:04:00 AM:
I hope my chest-beating in the past has been tasteful. I got a 3.
, at8 of 10. What's up with the license plates for sexual predators?
, at8. About average for me. Missed the lego one and the "most admired" one. How does banning legos relate to private ownership? Man, if that company was traded publically, I'd own a ton of shares.
, at
Missed most admired company and sexual predator questions. Got 8 - 3.16 over average, however, which makes me feel good.