Friday, January 26, 2007
Republicans must be smarter than Democrats!
They thought of all the arguments one might use against a president one doesn't like seventy years ago.
CWCID: Glenn Reynolds.
By Cardinalpark, at Fri Jan 26, 09:15:00 AM:
Actually, the Democrats did it before the Republicans -- during the Civil War when Lincoln was running things.
I don't have the great slide show, but did watch Kenneth Burns' Civil War on PBS last night. The exact same accusations of dictatorship were hurled at Lincoln during the Civil War, especially during McClellan's run for the Democratic Nomination in 1864, and subsequent presidential bid. Who knoew Wesley Clark and George McClellan would make such good analogs?
By ben, at Fri Jan 26, 11:02:00 AM:
Did anyone else catch the reference to Senator Byrd as integral to the court packing debate? He was influential in the senate 70 years ago! Why do people keep voting for him?
, at
Ben - for your edification:
Different senator (different state too); same last name.
By Eric, at Fri Jan 26, 02:40:00 PM:
Didn't the Republicans also level similar charges against the Dems and Woodrow Wilson leading into the Warren Harding administration?
By Dawnfire82, at Fri Jan 26, 05:34:00 PM:
All of this demonstrates that the American system is more resistant to despotism than all these repeated panics seem to think. Inability to control the media and the treasury ultimately prevent that.
Now, how about that plan to nationalize the media advocated by that Democrat fellow from New York?
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