
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ahmadinejad: Destroy Israel 

Iran's head of state has dared to say what we all know he believes:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today the solution to the Middle East crisis was to destroy Israel, state-media reported.

It will be interesting to see how Juan Cole explains this away.

I have a question: When one country -- say, Iran -- or a non-governmental army, such as Hamas or Hezbollah -- advocates the destruction of another country and takes belligerent actions toward that end, why isn't the second country entitled to consider that a declaration of war? Under what principle would it be immoral or unlawful for Israel to destroy Hamas, Hezbollah or, if it were feasible, Iran? Why isn't Israel entitled to take its enemies at their word?

MORE: Iranian Grand Dragon Supreme Leader Ali Khameni:
Today more than ever, the Muslim peoples are disgusted and furious with the Americans. The Muslim governments, including those governments whose political statements stem from restrictions [that are placed upon them], are disgusted by the insolent and arrogant oppression and are opposed to it. The American regime can expect a resounding slap and a devastating fist-blow from the Muslim nation for its support of the Zionist crimes and criminals, after it has so brazenly violated the rights of the Muslim peoples.

Is that a threat or a promise? Either way, we should consider ourselves warned, and prepare to respond accordingly.


By Blogger demosophist, at Thu Aug 03, 10:14:00 AM:

Well, threats aren't generally considered the legal equivalent of an act in the realm of criminal justice, even though some kinds of threats are illegal. You aren't allowed to shoot someone, for instance, just because they've threatened to kill you. But once they've taken an overt act of aggression that changes. An oblique act of aggression is something of a gray area I think.

It's a sticks and stones thing.

What does seem fair, however, is to respond to an oblique act of aggression with a superior counter, that is also oblique. If Hezbollah achieves sufficient kudos in the Muslim world it won't be so easy for Iran to regard them as "expendable".  

By Blogger demosophist, at Thu Aug 03, 10:23:00 AM:

I guess I should explain that previous comment about Hezbollah. If the Iranian mullahcracy loses internal and external legitimacy by refusing to go to Hezbollah's aid (or Syria's, if they get involved) they'll end up losing a lot more than they gain. They might lose any chance at securing the allegiance of the Shi'a community in the Arab Middle East, at the very least. At most, they could lose their grip on power in Iran.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Aug 03, 12:53:00 PM:

Sadly, I am starting to think that the source of the CONTINUING problems in the ME, Iran and NK is really the US Government. I believe that by continually pointing out the source of the problems we face and then doing nothing about it, because trying to negotiate with lunatics or religious fanatics whose stated aim is our destruction, it is doing exactly nothing to solve the problem, the Government is actually undermining its own position. A rational person cannot fail but draw the conclusion that the lack of action most likely signifies that the problem is overstated or non existent. If Iran is in the process of developing nuclear weapons, has stated that it will use them, and the only question remining is when will they have them, why is the Government delaying dealing with the problem because the passage of time is only increasing the chances that they will have nuclear weapons? I fail to see how delaying action is to our advantage and their disadvantage!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Aug 03, 07:00:00 PM:

It´s quite simple Isreal is shit scared that Iran is going to supply Hesbollah with nuks. Before a deal is done on the future of Iran´s "civilian" neuclear programme with America, and the Iranians have already won the PR war.... Isreal wants to insure that there are no rockets that will carry nuks into Isreali territory. I think that´s why Blair and Bush are backing them. when you think of it like that you can understand the Isreali position on the other hand, Isrealis have done more than enough to aggravate the situation

Everyone hates a superpower i´m just afraid extremism might win. I have many muslim and arabic friends and my girlfriend is a Jewish refugee from eastern Europe so figure that one out!!  

By Blogger Assistant Village Idiot, at Thu Aug 03, 08:39:00 PM:

Juan Cole? This time he'll redefine what is meant by "Israel."  

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