
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hamsher pulls a "Mel" 

Pajamas Media saw that lefty blogger Jane Hamsher mocked up a photograph of Joe Lieberman in blackface and posted a screen cap.

Oops. Hamsher has taken it down without admitting it was up in the first place or even so much as a "my bad." [UPDATE: See BONUS link below.] Next thing you know, she'll be calling on black leaders to help with "healing."

I'm sure Hamsher agrees that it is good she isn't a conservative. If she were, she wouldn't eat lunch in Hollywood again after a stunt like that. Lefties, though, have a certain license in these things.

MORE: Tom Maguire has a lot of fun with this in a post called "Beyond the Pale".

BONUS: The best defense is a good offense.


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