
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Keeping my eyes closed today 

So, I had laser surgery on my eyes today, which event has kept me away from my computer. It was pretty cool, even if they do use vicious little clamps like the ones that pried open Alex de Large's eyes while they conditioned him against ultraviolence, sex, and Ludwig von (reference "A Clockwork Orange", for you Philistines). If I repair on schedule, blogging will resume tomorrow at its usual pace.


By Blogger Gordon Smith, at Thu Apr 20, 10:04:00 PM:

Recover well, Hawk.

Tell us more about this, will you?  

By Blogger Charlottesvillain, at Fri Apr 21, 08:46:00 AM:

TH, I don't think you told me about this. Since reading this, try as I might, I cannot get the Adverts out of my brain!

I'm lying in a hospital,
I'm pinned against the bed.
A stethoscope upon my heart,
A hand against my head.
They're peeling off the bandages.
I'm wincing in the light.
The nurse is looking anxious,
And she's quivering in fright...

I'm looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes.

The doctors are avoiding me.
My vision is confused.
I listen to my earphones,
And I catch the evening news.
A murderer's been killed,
And he donates his sight to science.
I'm locked into a private ward.
I realise that I must be...

Looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes.

Looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes.

I smash the light in anger.
Push my bed against the door.
I close my lids across my eyes,
And wish to see no more.
The eye receives the messages,
And sends them to the brain.
No guarantee the stimuli must be perceived the same...

When looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes.

Gary don't need his eyes to see.
Gary and his eyes have parted company.  

By Blogger Cardinalpark, at Fri Apr 21, 09:42:00 AM:

An amazing procedure really. I did it 5 years ago. A miracle.

Hope it feels godd this am...  

By Blogger TigerHawk, at Fri Apr 21, 10:34:00 AM:

It does -- not bad at all. I have a bit of a halo around lights, but am told that will go away in time. My post op checkup is at 11. Feels pretty good, though.  

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