Sunday, April 30, 2006
I've decided...
...that I really am a chickenhawk. Notwithstanding my previous griping about the left's "chickenhawk" slur, perhaps we should do as other groups who have been vilified have done and adopt the insult as a badge.
By Steve Burri, at Sun Apr 30, 11:50:00 PM:
Hah! A REAL fighting keyboardist would live blog his colonoscopy!
By TigerHawk, at Mon May 01, 06:30:00 AM:
Probably right. Once again, I'm revealed as a posuer.
By Cassandra, at Mon May 01, 08:41:00 PM:
There is a clear difference between reclaiming epithets and becoming a parody of onesself. Let's just say that's not a logo that makes people think of just wars aimed at spreading freedom. Unless, of course, that isn't the goal of the 101st.
Dude, you have really got to lighten up...
that emblem looks a lot like the old German Reichsadler
Isn't that supposed to be part of the point, or do you not understand the parody process here?
Take something the left beleives about us, make it ridiculous, laugh hysterically as they fail to differentiate between their erroneous p[rejudices about what we beleive, and our parody of their idiocy.
That chickenhawk slur is just a response to those that that claim being against the Iraq war makes one a terrorist, traitor, or Saddam-supporter.