
Friday, July 08, 2005

What the Brits May Do 

London was jolted yesterday, shocked at home by the islamofascist menace that we have experienced many times over the last several years. It is shocking to have 50-100 dead and 700 wounded innocent people because they had the temerity to take the public transportation system to work yesterday.

Mark Steyn, after reviewing what others (especially the weak) have done in response to an al qaeda assault, asks what will Britain do.

Of course, it's anybody's guess, but I can hazard one. Michelle Malkin does a nice job rounding up how easygoing Britain has been with respect to allowing into their country some of the worst kind of islamofascist riff raff and thugs. Just visit her blog and scroll down. It will surprise you.

Having said that, I am confident that while they let the riff raff in, they kept an eye on them. Now they have to round them up. Aggressively. Quickly before they make tracks.

The al qaeda are brutal, ruthless...and stupid. They sacrificed their home in Afghanistan. Not one week after they finally got rid of there last serious enemy in Afghanistan (Massoud), they got the US so pissed off we dropped in on their party. They send idiots and morons into battle with our army and marines, now in Iraq (thankfully), and in each excursion they die in large, disproportionate numbers. Now, they pissed on their own shoes in London, just about the safest place they could live in the west. Not only that, but they set off some of their fireworks at the edge of "Little Beirut" no less. Apparently trying to inspire the more moderate muslims to join in jihad, perhaps?

Being overly-cavalier about civil liberties let these scum in. Now close the door on them. Round them up. You know who they are, Brits. Don't let them use your society's freedoms to undermine liberty. They, like the KKK, mean to do extraordinary evil and they laugh at our freedom. Peace to them means the primacy of Islam. You have them in town. Lock them up.

Now this advice may not be well received by the civil liberties crowd. Sorry. They should be protected by the law, but these radical imams preaching death to the west and their followers are all suspects. And they should work very closely with the non radical types to properly target the bad guys. There are lots of them in London.

As an aside, my business partner resides in London, and we have a team of 15 people there. They are all fine. His comments to me today suggested the Brits aren't nearly as "flustered" as CNN might portray it. Many who normally don't take public transport, rode buses and tubes today to make a point. Furthermore, he observed that the explosives used on the bus at least were quite small in comparison to a typical islamic bus bombing, suggesting the Brits have been effective at limiting access to lethal material for the bad guys.


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