Saturday, May 07, 2005
In any case, Jack Frost is a soulful fellow. Lest there be any doubt:

It had been a long time since I had seen the TH Daughter riding or otherwise interacting -- it is really a mother-daughter "thing" in our family -- so I was extremely impressed with her competence. Here she is very professionally cleaning Jack's hooves during the pre-ride groomification:

Not only did the cloudy day clear up while we were in the barn, it warmed up. Here's a full frontal of the Daughter and the Horse coming at your photographer.

And, finally, the big action shot:

I'm a proud father.
, at
Great shots! Your should be proud. What a great way to spend a little time with your daughter. Now lets see the action shots of you.
Given your penchant for digital photography, I'm about to comp you a free account at
You are quite the, as we call 'em, PROSUMER. You need some glossies of those action shots.
- Crusader
Lucky, lucky, lucky little gal to have a soulful horse in her own backyard with her Papa taking pictures by her side. She looks mighty fine in the saddle. At her age, like all young girls, I was totally crazy about horses -- do girls still read the Marguerite Henry books? -- but had to travel many miles to rent a horse for an hour at a time. With us it was a father-daughter thing, though, as Goomp was a horseman from way back and taught us how to ride.
By TigerHawk, at Sun May 08, 09:53:00 AM:
Sissy, a small footnote is required. That is not our own backyard (thank God! -- the maintenance alone would drive me nuts). We live on a serene two-thirds of an acre in Princeton with no space for a horse. However, there is a lot of horse country north and west of Princeton, and we board Jack Frost at a farm near Hopewell.
, at , atWow, really bookin in the action shot. I am proud of her too. Grandpa.
, atJack Frost seems to be having a good time, B's position is excellent, hope you had fun too. Best, grandpa