
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Giant Blogroll update 

It's time for the regular blogroll update, in which we add to our sidebar the blogs we like to read, the blogs that annoy us to no end, and the blogs that have respected TigerHawk with first moving linkage. As always, if we blow it and don't include your blog here, hang tight and give us another chance.

Right-to-Center Blogs

BabyWings. "A Retired M.I. Soldier gives vent to random thoughts, rants, raves, and silliness - while suffering from mild distraction. Husband, father, miniature wargamer. Growing Christian." And, most importantly, a devoted TigerHawk linker.

Austin Bay. National security. A link from Austin Bay is a personal fantasy of mine. Don't really see it happening, but a man can dream.

Confederate Yankee. 'Nuff said.

Different River. "[O]ne of the seemingly few economists in the Washington, DC area who is not employed by the federal government."

Done with Mirrors. Conservative blogger with a very attractive wife.

History's End. Loyal linker, inveterate commenter, and more.

Moonbattery. Res ipsa loquitor.

Pikespeak. A thoughtful centrist who merely lists to the right.

Steal The Bandwagon. I always thought this blog should be named "Stealth Bandwagon," which would be very cool.

The Untamed Fire of Freedom. "Life in Washington DC, school issues, gun nuts, war protesters and all the strange things that happen in the news." And TigerHawk loyalist.

Left-to-Center Blogs

Alas, a Blog. A blog by Barry Deutsch, a lefty cartoonist with an open mind and a commendable willingness to link to TigerHawk.

Bitch, Ph.D. A professor of something somewhere with a very snarky edge. Sort of a lefty A Small Victory with an academic bent.

Ezra Klein. A young lefty blogger talented far beyond his years.

Oliver Willis. Lefty blogger of some considerable readership, with an amusing tag line ("Like Kryptonite to stupid"). Not to be confused with Sissy Willis.

Regional Blogs

Canada Free Press (CFP Blog). Righty from the North Country.

Dutch Report. Better than siroopwafel.

Simon's World. All Asia, all the time.


By Blogger Final Historian, at Sun Feb 20, 10:08:00 PM:

If I might be so bold as to make a suggestion, but a good regional blog which I believe you may have missed is "Le Sabot Post-Moderne", a Ukranian blog which I find to be top notch. Url:


By Blogger Jody, at Sun Feb 20, 10:46:00 PM:

well "stealth bandwagon" is fine with me...consider it changed! :)
Actually it is: "thebandwagon"...however the url was taken like three years on blogger and was promptly abandoned. When I get rich and famous; I'll change it.

Thanks for the link.  

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