
Saturday, January 22, 2005

Giant blogroll update, ver. 2 

Every few weeks I try to update the blogroll with the blogs I like to read and loyal linkers to whom I want to reciprocate. Since the expansion of the blogosphere seems to be accelerating, I am reading more new blogs in addition to discovering longstanding blogs that are new to me. As always, if I've left your blog out for reasons unfathomable to you, rest assured that they are probably unfathomable to me as well. I'm just not that organized. I'll get to you the next time.

Center-to-Right Blogs

American Digest. Vanderleun offers up an eclectic mixture of the amusing and the useful, all of which is thought-provoking.

BLACKFIVE. A leading milblogger.

Firewolf. A bright new blogger from Princeton, Minnesota.

INDC Journal. Needs no introduction, or shouldn't. Just adding it to the blogroll so I can click through every day.

Iowahawk. I have no idea why I've never blogrolled Iowahawk. I must just be a fool.

New Sisyphus. Following in The Diplomad's footsteps, another Republican insurgent within the State Department. Also, The Daily Demarche, another interesting blog in that important genre.

NIF. TJ posts items that are "News, Interesting, and Funny" every day. A loyal linker to TigerHawk who should have been blogrolled weeks ago.

The Sign of the Four. Recent Princeton alumni declaim on important matters of the day.

Left-to-Center Blogs

August J. Pollak's Overboard.com. Lefty snarknitude.

Billmon. Extreme lefty snarknitude. Sort of the Allahpundit of the Left. Indeed, since Allah's quasi-retirement, the Right has nobody to out-mock Billmon. Which is troubling.

Juan Cole. The most widely linked authoritative lefty blogger on the Middle East and Iraq.

Pandagon. One of the Giants of the Left. You have to read Pandagon to know what they're saying.

Preposterous Universe. Another important lefty blog, cherished by TigerHawk for declaring that "he actually makes a good-faith effort to identify what he thinks are interesting trends within the lefty blogosphere." Indeed I do.

Kevin Drum. Essential center-left blogger.

Regional Blogs

Cigars in the Sand. An American in Iraq tells us, and shows us, what he sees.

UPDATE: Oops. Forgot Shaking Spears!


By Blogger Fire, at Sat Jan 22, 11:02:00 PM:

Thank you Jack,

Not only for the plug, but the link as well, I'm honored and humbled.

I still disagree about Iowa not falling into Missouri, but hey, let's not discuss the Insane Out Wandering Aimlessly either. :)  

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