
Monday, September 13, 2004

CBS News and its anonymous experts 

Jane Galt asks an excellent question:
What's with the anonymous experts? I've never heard of such a thing. Anonymous sources, sure, but document examiners aren't like priests or employees -- they expect to testify about what they do. That's what they get paid for. How come CBS's won't come forward? Are they really that afraid of Karl Rove's Special Document Examiner Hit Squad?

The whole thing is eerily reminiscent of the closing scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The government has grabbed the Ark of the Covenant, and Indiana Jones is very unhappy that he won't have an opportunity to study it himself:

When can we have the Ark?

Eaton's glance flicks over to the mysterious Bureaucrat,

then back to Brody.


I thought we answered that. It's

someplace very safe--



That's a powerful force. Research

should be done--


Oh, it will be, Dr. Jones, I assure

you. We have top men working on it

right now.




Top men.

Heh. "Top men," indeed.


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