Wednesday, August 25, 2004
March on Trenton
My hopes aren't high -- how hard can it be to hold off the angry mob for another nine days? But he isn't going to leave in time if we don't start pushing.
And by the way, lengthy and noisy demonstrations outside Drumthwacket complete with offensive yet constitutionally protected signs, banners and "Hey, Hey" chanting would go a long way toward hounding Jim McGreevey out of office -- a worthy goal in and of itself -- and loosening up Princeton, which hasn't seen a good demonstration in years.
UPDATE (8-26-04 9:20 a.m. EDT): Go here to learn more about the March on Trenton today at 3 p.m. I wish I could be there, if for no other reason than to thank the organizer, Derek Lucas.
By Fausta, at Thu Aug 26, 09:34:00 AM:
Thank you TigerHawk, thank you!