
Saturday, May 01, 2004

Anti-Americanism in Iraq? 

Compared to what? BD makes a useful observation, referring to a recent CNN poll that purported to reveal that 55% of Iraqis have an "unfavorable" view of the United States:

In Turkey, 63% had an unfavorable view of the United States. In Pakistan it was 61%; in Jordan, 93%; and in Morocco, 68%.

In other words, Iraqis, the ones who should be angriest about any U.S. misbehavior because they have to live with it every day, are the least angry. Maybe the occupiers are doing some good, and Iraqis know it. Hmm?

It is a far cry from the cheering throngs predicted by some of the President's more blinkered advisors, but in the Muslim world we are apparently about as popular as infidels can hope to be.


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