
Sunday, February 01, 2004

The aftermath of a suicide bombing 

The Foreign Ministry of Israel has taken the controversial step of posting a very graphic video of the aftermath of a suicide bombing on a bus. According to the Washington Post, the decision has caused an "uproar" both within and outside Israel. This is not surprising. If you have a broadband connection and a strong stomach (you need both), you can see the five-minute video at the Foreign Ministry's web site.

My own feeling is that this is a fair and reasonable thing for Israel to do, even if fanning emotionalism is not my preferred means of debate. The suicide bombers who deliberately target civilians are doing so to generate a variety of responses, including military and emotional responses, that will ultimately backfire in a way that advances the cause of the terrorists. If the Israelis believe that sharing the unmediated horror of these attacks with the world will help sustain their own resolve in the face of these attacks, how can we criticize them? Emotionalism v. emotionalism is unfortunate, but hardly unfair.


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