
Friday, August 05, 2005

Mohammed Bouyeri almost slipped through... 

Myrtus, our favorite Dutch-American Berber, links to a Dutch newspaper article that reports that Theo Van Gogh's murderer, Mohammed Bouyeri, an Islamist with ties to al Qaeda, got very close to infiltrating the security at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport:
It turns out that Theo van Gogh's murderer Mohammed Bouyeri almost became a security agent at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport in 1998. He was already given a uniform, waiting to start his training when last minute police intervention caused him to be rejected.

He was turned down for the job because of his police record. He was involved in a brawl at a coffee shop in 1997 after which he was arrested for threatening and hitting a police officer. Bouyeri claimed that it was all a mistake and that he was innocent. He filed an appeal, but the police claimed that there were also other (undisclosed) reasons why he shouldn't be hired for the job.

Myrtus has the links to the Dutch language article here.

Good that the Dutch screened him, but scary that he was working on a way into the airport security as long ago as 1998. Of course, he was trying to get back at the Dutch because he anticipated that they would support the United States in the invasion of Iraq five years later.

With that kind of lead time, how many other al Qaeda sympathizers or supporters have infiltrated the security organizations of Western airports and other sensitive installations?


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