Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Your government at work
The government that runs your auto industry and a large part of your financial industry and which aspires to manage your health care is so careful that the summer interns cannot get cleared before, well, the end of summer!
By davod, at Thu Aug 27, 09:14:00 AM:
Why not call them tsarettes then they wouldn't need clearance.
Or junior Congresspersons.
By Dawnfire82, at Fri Aug 28, 12:32:00 AM:
Little people have to jump through hoops.
Most of Congress wouldn't be able to qualify for security clearances if they had to follow the same rules as little people. (foreign connections, shady or illegal financial deals, current or past drug use, extravagant lifestyle, history of poor credit, spending, debt, or gambling, et cetera)