
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Crushing of dissent, lefty style 

They said that if I voted for John McCain and therefore "four more years of Bush" wealthy politicians benefiting from corruption would try to stamp out free speech, and they were right!


By Blogger JPMcT, at Fri Apr 17, 12:01:00 AM:

After standing in the rain and 41 degree temperature with FIVE THOUSAND other employed, angry taxpayors this Wednesday, my faith in the American people to do the right thing is at least back on the measurable scale. There were college kids, moms, people in camo, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians...even a few black people.

The basic fact that politico's seem to ignore is that there are an increasingly smaller number of people who are supporting the expanding majority of non taxpayers. It's truly become Representation without Taxation!

Until the folks who are picking up the tab either go somewhere else, drop their income level, or simply refuse to pay.

We are almost there. Since the Obama budget is unsustainable without massive increases in taxes and fees....expect more solvent states like Texas and more wealthy mobile people like Trump and Limbaugh to exit the scene.

It will be fascinating to watch, like being back in 1860.  

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