
Saturday, February 28, 2009

CPAC stream... 

If you have your computer on and are doing nothing better, the CPAC livestream is here... Tom DeLay's introduction of Ann Coulter was amusing.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Mar 01, 04:45:00 PM:

How in the hell is Tom DeLay invited to CPAC? The video did not come up, but you cannot be serious!!! What part of conservative would Tom DeLay be considered? He is part of the reason we conservatives have to explain why we are really not for big government despite people like Tom DeLay who claim to be conservative. I would rather they tarred and feathered, DeLay, Abramoff, Stevens, Cunningham, Foley and the rest of those scum bags who allowed the Dems to get their foot back in the door and we will be paying for it for generations.  

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