Sunday, November 30, 2008
The best $7.2 million ever spent
That whole Alaska deal just keeps getting better and better. I bet the Russians are still pissed off about it.
By Escort81, at Sun Nov 30, 08:36:00 PM:
Having spent a little bit of time in the E&P business, 85 Tcf is a whole lot of natural gas. That is a heckuva number, and the USGS is usually conservative.
By Assistant Village Idiot, at Sun Nov 30, 09:28:00 PM:
I wouldn't assume that Russians know much about the embarrassing parts of their history. A few many know that Alaska used to belong to them, but how it got away may be glossed over.
I say this because of how little my Romanian sons were taught of their history between 1700-1950.
Russian nationalists are fully aware that Alyaska was once Russian, as was part of northern California (why else do you think they call it the "Russian River?") Back in the late 70s Znanie Sila, a major youth oriented science magazine, carried a lament that the territory had been sold by short sighed Czarist bureaucrats.