Wednesday, September 24, 2008
PETA is nothing if not a source of comedy gold:
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cow's milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.
Gag me with a spoon.
Good publicity stunt, though. If you did not know what PETA was before, you will now.
By Escort81, at Wed Sep 24, 06:58:00 PM:
Too bad Cohen and Greenfield don't own or control the company anymore!
I like the S'mores flavor they sell.
By JPMcT, at Wed Sep 24, 06:58:00 PM:
Think of the Flavor Selections: Coconut Royale, Purple Herman, TaTa Tangerine, Mammolicious, La Leche Lemon, etc.
Marketing: "More than a mouthful is wasted", "Finger Lickin' Good" (I think the chicken people own that one), "Show Me Your Cones".
Speaking of cones...think Madonna in a Ben & Jerry's commercial...
Instead of small, medium and could order the B, C or Double D cups!
It goes on and on.....
By Dan Kauffman, at Wed Sep 24, 08:15:00 PM:
PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies on factory farms and benefit human health
What about Human Babies? the Cows babies do not "suffer" they become Veal ;-) yummmmmmmmmmmmm
By Miss Ladybug, at Wed Sep 24, 09:06:00 PM:
, atBen and Jerry could video tape the milking process and sell it for more proft than the ice cream itself. Brilliant!
By joated, at Thu Sep 25, 09:40:00 AM:
I'm a bt fuzzy on this but I believe Piers Anthony worte a short story called "In the Barn" for a Harlan Ellison collection called Again, Dangerous Visions that had just such a premise, i.e. human females as a source of milk. It wasn't a pretty picture at all.
, at
Wellllllllll. To get industrial quantities of human breast milk you need a lot of knocked up women. Then you have this problem of what to do with the baby humans. Baby cows are easy; baby humans, not so much.
If PETA wants to give that idea a test run we could start by impregnating all of the PETA women and see how that turns out.
By Dawnfire82, at Thu Sep 25, 11:42:00 AM:
There's a PETA publicity stunt that might generate a turnout.
, atPETA doesn't care about cows or pets. Indeed, PETA actually wants to kill them. How else do you explain the obvious side effect of their anti-meat, anti-pet policies, which would cause most of these animals to die if humans didn't want them anymore?
By Georg Felis, at Thu Sep 25, 02:40:00 PM:
These people make it *really* hard to write parody.
, atSick sick sick i mean these PETA jerks are absolutly sick and stupid i mean only a idiot would have anything to do with PETA and only atree hugging granola munching idiot would even touch BEN & JERRYS puke paste ice cream