Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Judging by the average score of this week's O'Quiz -- 3 out of 10 as of this writing -- it is more difficult than usual. I, however, got 7 out of 10 right, which is a monster performance under the circumstances (and, of course, in full recognition that I usually suck at these). How did you do?
, atI got six out of 10. An off week, I think.
, at
Some guesses worked out for a score of 8.
9/10 - only miss was the SPR locale
By davod, at Thu Jul 31, 07:04:00 AM:
, at8/10 for me... thought Reagan enacted the SPR and guessed Denver for the non sanctuary city. You are slipping Tigerhawk.
By Kevin, at Thu Jul 31, 08:35:00 AM:
I'm a good guesser, so I got 8/10. Missed the one about McCain blaming Obama for high oil prices (I didn't realize he'd done that), and the New York Times one (yeah, now that I think about it, that should've been an easy one).
, at8/10 -- missed the minimum wage question (wasn't sure when the second bump was supposed to occur) and the question about what item was the highest price in history.
, at
There was a problem with the code for a while which rendered all answers as incorrect, even correct answers.
messed up the average....
By StLCard, at Thu Jul 31, 10:51:00 AM:
7 out of 10 from here at MP 11.7 on the UPRR Jeff City Sub
By Purple Avenger, at Thu Jul 31, 01:52:00 PM:
, at
I think I am going to have to stop commenting on these O'Quiz threads.
By Georg Felis, at Thu Jul 31, 06:04:00 PM:
4/10, which is a lot better than the 1/10 I had a few weeks ago.
, at
6 out of 10, and I live in South Africa...
Got 2, 4, 5 and 7 wrong.
By Obi's Sister, at Fri Aug 01, 10:49:00 PM:
7 out of 10. Not bad for my first time...
, at
7 out of 10. The NYT costs more than ever in history. Heh.
When my husband was diagnosed with liver cancer and hepatitis C, I turned to drugs instead of God. When I had reached my lowest point a friend held my face in her hands and said three words that changed my life, "JESUS LOVES YOU." We began going to church. Our pastor prayed for my husband and three weeks later, when my husband was tested, they found nothing wrong with his liver and his blood tested normal. I have been drug free for a year and my entire family is saved and looking forward to Heaven. Being a Christian is not easy, because Satan does not want to let go of you. But we have to pray and have faith that the Lord will protect us and He will. Cynthia. "The prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up..."
Regards, Parkins
drugs in system: cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, nicotine