Saturday, May 03, 2008
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more...
, atThe one who truly shot down the RED BARON(MANFRED VON RICKHOFTEN)is unknown another it was credited to CAPT ROY BROWN but australian antiaircraft gunners were firing at him and all three planes were going rooftop leavel he was killed by one bullet
, at , atOnly two comments? I guess time marches slowly on. When I was a kid everyone knew the story of the Red Baron. Of course, at that time he had been dead for 40 years. Now it is around 90 years, and the last survivors of his generation are almost gone. That and the fact that history is not studied like it used to be. I was on the board to evaluate school text books. One book on the Civil War years didn't mention Gen. Robert E. Lee at all.
, at
Being posted on a Sunday probably made a lot of us miss it.
Oh, and how can you not post that song:
or Snoopy's tale: