Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The difference between "valuation" and actual market price
Accounting theorists believe that everything that can be "marked to market" ought to be. Well, perhaps, but it is hard to imagine a more evocative argument against that thinking than this little exercise, which purports to measure one's market value as a "partner" on the basis of a questionaire rather than actual arms-length transactions:
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I note that Glenn Reynolds is purportedly worth more than me, even though not a single question turned on blog traffic. Hmmm. There aren't that many answers that could have been different between us. Maybe he likes dancing.
UPDATE: Ouch. This hurts.
By Brent Buckner, at Tue Apr 01, 09:43:00 PM:
If someone actually bids that, let us know. Otherwise, I'll count it as just another mark-to-fantasy.
, atBy Robert Ghrist, at Wed Apr 02, 07:24:00 AM:
Has it occurred to anyone that, since the "values" have 4 significant digits, the algorithm which takes the question responses to the value may be invertible?