
Monday, April 14, 2008

The bright side of a Clinton presidency? 

Jim Kunstler tells us how he really feels:

A President Hillary will also go a long way to defeating the popular delusion that a world ruled by female humans would be heaven-on-earth. (It would be more like one of those chaotic single-parent households in Section-8 housing, ruled by a harried and distracted mom, with a shadowy man in the background molesting the little ones while she was off working at the WalMart.)


By Blogger Escort81, at Mon Apr 14, 06:09:00 PM:

TH, you are cherry picking his post, which of course is fine, but further down, he writes (about the bitter/cling remarks):

I'm very sorry that Barack Obama apologized for his remarks. It compromised his authority. They were truthful and correct. He might have added that the anxious and bitter lower classes were also neurotically hung-up on cars, and that his first act as president would be to shut down the Nascar tracks by executive order in the interest of national energy security.

It's been illuminating to see how almost nobody has come to Obama's defense in this matter -- hardly anyone in the press, anyway. It shows what the mainstream media's interest in the truth is (close to zero).

I have to admit there is some good humor in there.

But seriously, I guess he missed Toobin et al on CNN on Friday evening, and many others in the written press.

I suppose I would accept the originial Obama thesis (essentially a "What's the Matter With Kansas" thesis) if a really smart social scientist could consruct a model that was supported by strong data over the course of some period of time. It would have to show that people in low to middle income groups vote against their economic interests more often than wealthier voters do (and there are plenty of upper-income voters who will be perfectly happy to have the top federal income tax rates go back up 4.6% to the Clinton level; the extra $20,000 or so won't be that big a deal to them). It would also have to demonstrate causality, no easy feat in the social sciences, between economic hardship and a predisposition to be suckered by or cling to "wedge issues." Otherwise, it's just a lenghty riff by a Harper's and The Nation contributor.

Look, even Obama has backed away from the phraseology he used. It's one thing to say he was right in the first place. It's another to say it was wrong to try to restate it more artfully. Sometimes people are so in the tank for a politician that even when that politician has changed his story, they are too slow to keep up. It reminds me of the poll that came out after the DNA sample on the blue dress was shown to be Bill Clinton's, and he admitted to the relationship, there was still some small fraction of people who thought Monica was lying about the nature of her relationship with Bill. Yup, it must have been like the ending in Presumed Innocent, where the guilty party collected the DNA sample from a used condom and planted the evidence. I can just see Monica skulking around the residence upstairs at the White House, offering sexual favors to the Secret Service to help her in her efforts.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Apr 15, 01:37:00 AM:

one funny paragraph amid a sea of boring old phart raging. how these duffers keep from jumping out a window -- given their incessant bitching and moaning -- is amystery to me.  

By Blogger Charlottesvillain, at Tue Apr 15, 08:35:00 AM:

Trust your Tigerhawk editors. If we think you should read the whole thing, we'll let you know!  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Apr 15, 07:02:00 PM:

Says the MSM. Shame on you, Villain...  

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