
Friday, March 07, 2008


Samantha Power just resigned from the Obama campaign. Her position as a foreign policy advisor to Obama had been criticized in certain quarters due to her stated positions on the Middle East and Israel in particular. The proximate cause of her resignation was that she called Hillary Clinton a "monster" during an interview she was giving while on her book tour in Europe. (h/t: Hugh Hewitt).

Big news.


By Blogger Charlottesvillain, at Fri Mar 07, 01:49:00 PM:

I like the part of the quote where she tells the reporter that the remark is OFF THE RECORD.

Nice hit job, Scotsman.  

By Blogger Cardinalpark, at Fri Mar 07, 02:03:00 PM:

Yes, but she had already agreed to be on the record. I saw her a coupl eof weeks ago on Charlie Rose. She looks about 25. She is a rank amateur.

Frankly, the Obama campaign is lucky to get rid of her before the MSM raked her over the coals for her antizionism and her bizarre Missle East ideas.  

By Blogger Charlottesvillain, at Fri Mar 07, 02:15:00 PM:

I think you're probably right. Definitely a liability.

This particular opinion of hers, however, I agree with wholeheartedly.  

By Blogger Chris, at Fri Mar 07, 03:22:00 PM:

I made the mistake of wading through an article she wrote for the Atlantic back in 2001 about the Rwanda massacres. While she blasted the Clinton administration mercilessly, the whole tone of the piece was that America should have rushed into Rwanda immediately and somehow prevented the whole episode. No mention was made of the other members of the UN force doing something, and very little opprobrium was directed at the Hutus for their program of genocide. It was all about how we had failed to be omnipotent and omniscient.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Mar 07, 05:27:00 PM:

I saw her speak in person several years ago. I believe she referred to the Saddam's Kurdish campaign as qualifying in all respects as genocide, one of the few incidents in the 20th century to do so, and also referred to the Bush vis a vis the Iraq War as either a "visionary" or a "humanitarian" (I forget which).  

By Blogger Gary Rosen, at Sat Mar 08, 03:13:00 AM:

She's out of her fucking mind. She once said the US should put troops in the Mideast to force Israel to agree to a two-state solution. Of course she tried to backtrack on that but she was on her way to becoming a major embarrassment to the Obama campaign. That's why I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing were engineered. Now all Obama has to do is get a divorce.  

By Blogger jj mollo, at Sun Mar 09, 01:22:00 AM:

Tucker Carlson scorches the Scotsman.  

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