
Friday, May 25, 2007

If you genuinely want to fight al Qaeda... 

...this is what you need to do.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat May 26, 12:55:00 AM:


By Blogger Miss Ladybug, at Sat May 26, 01:08:00 AM:


I can't say you are way off on that...  

By Blogger Gordon Smith, at Sat May 26, 08:48:00 AM:

It's such a poignant sadness to watch people who hold themselves up as patriots continually support the failed Bush strategy while attacking anything that doesn't ring of Stay The Course.

So now our reason for being in Iraq is to fight the Al Qaeda that's funding themselves with money from (1) U.S. taxpayers stolen by corrupted Iraqi officials; (2) from outsiders who hate the U.S. and want to see the however-many-thousand A.Q.ers lob mortars at the Green Zone and blow up University students.

The SURGE!!! isn't working. Al Qaeda, now an urban paramilitary organization, is not going to be beaten through traditional means. Iraq is stuck with a multifaceted civil conflict that's going to last a generation.

You can argue that our redeployment will leave a power vacuum. Isn't that what we've supposedly been training Iraqi Army to fill FOR ALMOST FIVE YEARS?

The Bush team as no idea how to end this conflict. Our troops ought to be redeployed to Afghanistan, to welcoming nations in North Africa and the Pacific Rim, to Kansas and New Orleans.

Stop pretending that what Bush is doing is working. It's not. It's making things worse. He hasn't gotten anything about Iraq correct, and yet you all follow him like lemmings.

It's sad.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat May 26, 09:42:00 AM:

ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS!!! Hoolie must be correct.  

By Blogger TigerHawk, at Sat May 26, 10:34:00 AM:


Nobody is arguing that the Bush administration is competent. Not anymore. It is clearly out of gas, if it ever had any to begin with. The question is what to do now, and whether those Democratic candidates who want a rapid withdrawal from Iraq are sincere in their desire to fight al Qaeda elsewhere, or whether they are neo-isolationists, believing that al Qaeda is not actually a huge threat or hoping that it will leave us alone with we leave it alone. If they are sincere, I would expect that they would be proposing where to send the troops that they are going to "redeploy". Should they go to Afghanistan? Should we take action against Pakistan? We have heard no such proposals from the leading Democratic candidates, so one is forced to suspect that "redeploy" is a euphamism for "retreat."

Now, I can imagine a strategy to deal with al Qaeda in Iraq that also contemplates our withdrawal, but liberals wouldn't like it very much.  

By Blogger Tom the Redhunter, at Sat May 26, 12:35:00 PM:

As much as I disagree with McCain on a lot of things, he is dead right on the war.

Andy McCarthy (your link) was also dead on target too, but then he always is. The best part of his post was when he said

"If you really believe al Qaeda is not in Iraq — that the real al Qaeda is only in Afghanistan and its environs — then you're on drugs. But, sure, fine, "redeploy" our troops ... to Afghanistan. But can we please have five seconds of honesty? You guys don't have the slightest intention of doing that. You don't want to go to Afghanistan. You want to go home."

Exactly. The dems won't send the troops to Afghanistan. In fact, if they get their way on Iraq pretty soon they'll want out of Afghanistan too. Oh, and it will be "for the children", too. They'll claim that the money we're spending in Afghanistan is badly needed here at home for a school lunc program.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat May 26, 07:11:00 PM:

Hoolie is a deluded joker who hates with a passion the idea that anything a Republican president, even a supposed dolt (whose academic record at Yale outpaced that of both Ted "The Plagairist" Kennedy or Al Gore at Harvard) could actually make sense. Here's how I evaluate W's performance in the GWOT to date: five plus years with no Islamsist attacks on our shores - and many foiled - while large numbers of AQ leaders are pushing up daisies. And I'd piss on their graves and smile if given the chance.
Hoolie, you weren't paying attention in 2001 - the message I heard then (I did pay attention) was that this would be a long, tough battle. Like decades long. And tougher than the decades-long battle we ultimately won against the filthy Commie pigs. Because Reds, despite being piggish dolts who could quote Marx or Lenin without breaking out in raucous laughter, were rational to the extent that they preferred life to death. Unlike the scum we are now battling.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat May 26, 08:33:00 PM:

Joe Biden wants us to redeploy to Darfur, on humanitarian grounds. Seems there is a civil war going on there or some such thing and he wants it stopped.

So we leave Iraq because it's a civil war and go to Darfur for the same reason.


By Blogger Dawnfire82, at Mon May 28, 06:31:00 PM:

"Isn't that what we've supposedly been training Iraqi Army to fill FOR ALMOST FIVE YEARS?"

Might want to count that again.

2007 - 5 = 2002.

So... no.

I hope that isn't really indicative of your knowledge of world events...

"Stop pretending that what Bush is doing is working. It's not. It's making things worse. He hasn't gotten anything about Iraq correct, and yet you all follow him like lemmings."

I had no idea that the President was a dictator who micromanaged the military's decisions. I, naively I guess, figured that it was the general and flag officers who determined operational deployments, tempos, targets, and the like. Learn something new every day I guess.

Or perhaps I'm correct and you ought to call up said officers and argue with THEM about how to wage war. I'm sure you could teach them a thing or two.

"So now our reason for being in Iraq is to fight the Al Qaeda that's funding themselves with money from (1) U.S. taxpayers stolen by corrupted Iraqi officials; (2) from outsiders who hate the U.S. and want to see the however-many-thousand A.Q.ers lob mortars at the Green Zone and blow up University students."

If you know how Al Qaeda is getting its funding, it'd serve you well to contact the authorities and let them know, like a good citizen, instead of just ranting about how stupid the Bushies are and how much smarter you are than all of them.

But you won't, because you don't know. You're not involved in this war. You've never been to Iraq. You don't know anything about it that isn't filtered and spoon-fed to you through mass media or political statements *intended* to manipulate public opinion. You speak from ignorance.

And the people who are in the best position to know, the military servicemembers, repeat constantly that the media lies regularly about Iraq and that they support the mission.

Maybe you should go argue with them, and tell them how wrong they are and that nothing they do works.

hu·bris /ˈhyubrɪs, ˈhu-/
excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.  

By Blogger Gordon Smith, at Tue May 29, 10:03:00 AM:

You'll recall that Bush has regularly ignored advice from Generals in the field, that he "let go" some of them after the last election, and that many who served under him now openly dispute the strategy he pursues there.

Don't give me that Generals on the Ground, bs.

I'm glad you can take your anger out on me, Dawnfire, it gives you somewhere to put it.  

By Blogger Dawnfire82, at Tue May 29, 03:26:00 PM:

"many who served under him now openly dispute the strategy he pursues there."

How many? And would those be the ones that he 'let go?' What a surprise. Sort of like that fellow who was fired from the NSA, and then decided to vent his frustrations by leaking classified programs to the media a couple of years ago. Real hero, that one. What a brave dissident.

"Don't give me that Generals on the Ground, bs."

I also gave you the 'Soldiers on the Ground bs," which you ignored. I suppose they can't be relied upon either. Only you, it seems, REALLY know how things are.

Thanks for the kind thoughts. I'm glad that you have such amazing confidence in your own thoughts and a monumental ego, because it might protect your psyche when your illusions about the world are finally destroyed.  

By Blogger Gordon Smith, at Sat Jun 02, 11:42:00 AM:


We could find competing quotes from servicefolks on the ground in Iraq. Just this past week, a soldier asked Joe Lieberman about when they'd get out of there. I read reports all the time that hold an opposite view to the rah-rah, Stay-The-Course nonsense you've been bleating about for years.

This thing is FUBAR and you know it. Unless you have some magic formula for unshitting the bed, then we have to get out.  

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