
Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I missed it last week, but this week's O'Quiz is up. I was at the top of my game, which regular readers know is like being the best hockey player in Ecuador. I scored 7 out of 10. At the time I took it, the average was actually 5.44, so this week's O'Quiz may be a bit easier than average.


By Blogger Denise, at Tue Apr 10, 09:24:00 AM:

Me too. Blasted Martian weather!!  

By Blogger Georg Felis, at Tue Apr 10, 01:12:00 PM:

Ha! 8, by good guessing! Although I was certain the Sun was causing Martian Warming. Hm, maybe Earth is having unusual dust storms too? Perhaps we're just having a Galactic Warming Phase?  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Apr 10, 01:38:00 PM:

Also 7. Another tie with TH... he shall best me yet. But not this time.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Apr 10, 02:08:00 PM:

Missed #'s 5 and 6. Got an 8. :-)


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