Sunday, January 30, 2005
In re counters, trackbacks, and other administrivia
Once I got digging around in the old template, though, I decided to take the big plunge and install Haloscan's trackbacks, which any number of fellow bloggers have requested of me. I did not go with their commenting system, though, because I have wordy commenters who would not like the confinement of Haloscan's 1000 character limit. So we now have Blogger commenting and Haloscan trackbacks. I hope that it all works.
UPDATE: In a matter of minutes, the slower loading times did, in fact, drive me nuts. The Bravenet counter is back on the sidebar, even though it shows a total of 25 visits. Which is a blow to my blogesteem, but I've recovered from worse.
By TigerHawk, at Mon Jan 31, 09:50:00 PM:
I could set the start count, but I rejected it because, well, I wasn't sure what the count was, give or take a thousand, and my fetish for precision overwhelmed my need for a manly counter total. Of course, it is a false precision for several reasons, which just reveals the underlying foolishness of my overall point of view. I suppose I'm a bundle of contradictions. Anyhoo, I have the SiteMeter total intact, and I know in my heart o' hearts that the Bravenet counter should be around 80,000 higher.